Monday, February 7, 2011

Selaam!! (Hello!)

Since we are working toward an adoption of a child 0-24 months, and could well bring a child home who is over 2 years old (after all of our travel), we have decided that learning some basic Amharic is in everyone’s best interest.  While our child’s birth family may not speak Amharic (many kiddos come speaking Sidama), they will likely have picked some up at the orphanage--and we cannot find a Sidama course anywhere!  In addition, Amharic is generally used in legal matters in Ethiopia, so it’s high time we got some basic phrases down.  Online courses are pretty amazing these days, so we are attempting a free, online basic Amharic course.  First order of business:  Learning to count to ten J
1 – Ande ( an- as in ant and de- as in detuches )
2 – Hu-let
3- sost
4- Arat
5 – Amist
6 – sidist
7- sebat
8- semint
9- zet’agne *
10- Asir


  1. Good idea--we should probably be learning some phrases that might commonly be used to soothe a baby so we can plug those in....

  2. I will start teaching A and L- as well as G and me of course! xxx
