Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Fun

Another surreal holiday down!  We had lots of fun on Halloween, although I wonder what L thought of the whole thing.  We did a little trick-or-treating, but the overall Halloween creepiness wasn't really appreciated by L--the pumpkins we carved last weekend freaked him out when lit.  Which, of course, we didn't know until it was bedtime, and L said his first actual sentence in English (besides "I love you"--"I lobba"), which was "Bye-bye Dada sca-wy pumpkin!".  Oops.  And then the squirrels came around and ate the faces off, so, you know. We ended up playing Halloween down a bit this year. But he loved his costume and likes some types of candy, so there ya go.

He dressed as a nice doggie (not a "sca-wy" one) and Maggie was a ferocious dinosaur. Yes, we are those people who dress up the dog.   She's a sport.

L had a routine doc appt ahead of time, hence the blown-up latex glove.  Not part of the costume. :-)


  1. Too cute! I know you guys are having a blast making all these sweet memories with him :)

  2. The dog looks stunned ("How do these things happen to ME?") and the boy looks happy!! Enjoy the beginning of your first holiday season and all of the bells and whistles and excitements that go with it. I love the updates!

  3. Cute...I enjoyed the pumpkin patch and Halloween info and photos. Looks like a good time being had by all! Thanks for sharing...Judy

  4. Super cute! And his first sentence will certainly be a memorable one.

  5. How how how did I miss this?? So adorable! I am loving to read about you guys making all these memories :)
